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Journal : Journal of Nursing Care

Evidence-Based Practice: Community-Based Palliative Cancer Care Jajang Ganjar Waluya; Nur Maziyya; Eva Nurlaela; Ita Vusfita; Ihda Al Adawiyah Mz; Kusman Ibrahim; Ikeu Nurhidayah; Laili Rahayuwati
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1253.468 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v2i2.18726


Prevalence of  cancer is estimated will increase in the next two decades. Therefore, there is a challenge for health provider to encounter treatment and caring for the patients. Especially, the cancer patients face several problems not only physical but also psychological, emotional, spiritual and social cultural aspects.This study explored the evidence-based practice on community-based palliative cancer care. Literature study is done by making a summary of published articles related to the question. The searching method used several electronic databases such as Google Scholar, Proquest, and PubMed. Articles under the keywords of “Palliative Cancer Care”, “Community”, and “Nursing” reach as much as 1.804. The inclusion criteria for this literature review were articles that have been peer-reviewed, are in full-text, in either English or Indonesian, and publication year from 2008 to 2018. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria include those that do not follow a standardized structure of an article (consisting of Abstract, Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, Implication, and Reference), are in the form of a review, and whose content does not answer research questions.Results: The United States of America is on the highest place regarding palliative care service, following by community-based palliative cancer implementation in Europe. Asian countries had been applying palliative care service, integrated with national health care system. In the Middle East countries, palliative care program ranks the lowest, but in implementation, they have discreetly performed community-based palliative care. In Africa, it is not the main focus in the field of health. Palliative care for cancer patients that is potential for development in Indonesia is that of family-based.Conclusion: Community-based palliative care is a variant of palliative treatment long applied and being developed in many countries in the world. In continents such as America and Europe, the implementation of palliative care ranks the highest place. In Indonesia, it is done partially and only available in hospitals or non-governmental organization. In the level of community, family-based palliative care can be developed by involving trained family members.
Description Of Knowledge, Attitude, And Behavior At Risk Of HIV Transmission In "X" SMK Students Desy Indra Yani; Fera Imelia Agustin; Kusman Ibrahim
Journal of Nursing Care Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Journal of Nursing Care
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jnc.v5i1.32899


HIV is a severe health problem. Pangandaran is a West Java tourist spot with a high risk of HIV transmission among adolescents. Knowledge about HIV, attitudes towards HIV transmission behavior, and HIV risk behaviors are essential for every individual because adolescents are a vulnerable population. This study aims to identify knowledge, attitudes, and risk behaviors for HIV transmission. This descriptive research with the research population is teenagers class XI and XII in SMK "X" Pangandaran, as many as 915 people. Data collection using proportionate stratified random sampling technique with a sample of 278 students online. Data collection was carried out within one month and distributed using Google Form using a modified Knowledge, Attitudes, and Risk Behavior related to HIV (PSP-HIV) questionnaire, which had been tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using univariate in the form of frequency distribution for knowledge and attitudes. Risk behavior is grouped based on the frequency and percentage of respondents' answers to each statement. The results of this study found that (71.6%) of adolescents had less knowledge about HIV. A total of (54.7%) of adolescents have a terrible attitude toward HIV transmission behavior. The three risk behaviors for HIV transmission with the highest scores among students in this study were: 1) using protection or condoms during sexual intercourse as much as 5.4%; 2) having sex with girlfriends as much as 5%; 3) having sex with friends as much as 3.2%Adolescents must be provided with accurate and complete information so that they do not become a vulnerable group to suffer from HIV.  
Co-Authors Aan Nur'aini Aan Nuraeni Aan Nur’aeni Aan Nur’aini Aat Sriati Aat Sriati Alfian Alfian ANA IKHSAN HIDAYATULLOH Anita Setyawati Arlette Suzy Puspa Pertiwi Asadul Islam Astilia, Astilia Ayu Prawesti Priambodo Baiq Emi Nurmalisa Budiawan, Heri Cahyo Nugroho, Cahyo Cecep Eli Kosasih Christina Listha Citra Windani Mambang Sari Derison Marsinova Bakara Derison Marsinova Bakara Desy Indra Yani Devi Harmita Dian Adiningsih Didi Kurniawan Dyah Setyorini Dyah Setyorini Earlyana Octavia limbong Ermiati Ermiati Etika Emaliyawati Etika Emliyawati Eva Nurlaela Faizal Idrus Fera Imelia Agustin Gina Nurdina Hadi Nasbey Hana Rizmadewi Agustina Harun, Hasniatisari Harun, Hasniatisari Harwadi, Hendra Hasanah, Ulung Hayaty, Helmi Helmi Hayaty Hendra Harwadi Herliani, Yusshy Kurnia HIDAYATULLOH, ANA IKHSAN Ida Maryati Ida Rosidawati Ihda Al Adawiyah Mz Ikeu Nurhidayah Ikeu Nurhidayah Ikeu Nurhidayah Imas Rafiyah Indriono Hadi Inriyana, Ria Iqbal Pramukti Ita Vusfita Iyus Yosep Jajang Ganjar Waluya Jayalangkara Tanra Kesumawati, Rianti Kombong, Rita La Rangki La Rangki La Rangki Laili Rahayuwati Lia Meilianingsih Lia Meilianingsih Lilin Rosyanti Lilis Lismayanti Lilis Lismayanti Lilis Mamuroh limbong, Earlyana Octavia Made Yos Kresnayana Maria komariah Maria komariah Meilita Enggune Meita Dhamayanti Mochammad Hatta Mustari Aji, Nandang Nia Kurniasih Nita Arisanti Novi Malisa, Novi Nur Chayati Nur Maziyya Nursiswati N Nursiswati Nursiswati Nursiswati Nursiswati Oktavia Nur Azizah Jain Purwo Suwignyo Raden Nabilah Putri Fauziyyah Raden Nabilah Putri Fauziyyah Raden Nabilah Putri Fauziyyah Rahmi Muthia Raini Diah Susanti Restuning Widiasih Ria Bandiara Riri Amalina Riri Amalina Rudi Kurniawan Rudi Wisaksana Sandra Pebrianti Septian Andriyani, Septian Setiyawan Setiyawan Siti Romadoni Siti Romadoni, Siti Siti Ulfah Rifa’atul Fitri Slamet Riyanto Sri Elis Rohaeti Sri Hartati Pratiwi Sri Hendrawati Sri Hendrawati Sri Hendrawati SRI WULANDARI Stevani Basry Suryani Suryani Titin Mulyati Titin Sutini, Titin Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Titis Kurniawan Tuti Anggriani Utama Tuti Pahria Upit Pitriani Urip Rahayu Urip Rahayu Urip Rahayu, Urip Veny Hadju Waluya, Ady Windiramadhan, Alvian Pristy Witdiawati Witdiawati Witdiawati Witdiawati, Witdiawati Yanny Trisyani Yeni Yeni Yulianti Yusshy Kurnia H Yusshy Kurnia Herliani Yusshy Kurnia Herliani Zahara Farhan